Quality Assurance (QA) is more than just testing—it’s about making sure everyone involved in a project understands how quality is managed, what the goals are, and how decisions are made.
When we think about today’s complex business environment where the pressure of time and speed challenge a company’s success, organizations must be able to adapt quickly to stay competitive.
How do you build trust and understanding when working with clients halfway around the world? In the context of outsourcing, offshoring, and nearshoring, cultivating strong client relationships is key to successful collaborations.
One important question to be asked when starting a new project or adding a new part to an existing system is: What architecture will best suit my application — Containerized Microservices or Serverless?
As global demand for software development rises, outsourcing, near- or offshoring have become essential strategies for businesses seeking high-quality, cost-effective solutions.
You may have encountered a common bias in the IT market that developers and testers are both equally capable of testing an application and achieving comparable results. But are they really?
In today’s digital world, the demand for skilled IT professionals continues to be a focus for companies, even taking in consideration the predictions of the global recession that is already shading with uncertainty company’s global strategies. Becoming a competent professional may be more important than ever.
In today’s digital era, the ability to communicate with devices and application through voice commands reshaped the way users are interacting with technology, making them more natural than ever.
Performance optimization refers to the process of enhancing the speed, efficiency, and responsiveness of systems and applications. In today’s competitive business and technological landscape, effective performance optimization is crucial for gaining a competitive edge. It ensures that organizations can meet user demands and adapt to ever-changing market conditions.
Efortul pus în programele pentru studenți completează teoria din facultate cu practica care “ne omoară”. Profitați de ocazie, participând la cât mai multe evenimente!
Înainte să vin la NetRom, am citit multe noțiuni teoretice despre Quality Assurance, dar aveam zero experiență în domeniu. Erau multe aspecte ce îmi păreau foarte logice, dar nu le legam de nimic practic, nu le vedeam aplicate. Aici am întâlnit oameni care, oricât de pompos ar suna, m-au ajutat să mă dezvolt fără să țină cont de lipsa mea de experiență, oameni care mi-au arătat ce înseamnă să lucrezi în echipă, pentru un scop comun. Ei mi-au dat curaj să-mi spun părerea și mi-au dat îndrăzneala de a transmite și eu mai departe cunoștințele acumulate.
Monica I
QA Board Manager
La NetRom, am avut oportunitatea extraordinară de a începe dezvoltarea mea profesională și personală încă de la varsta de 17 ani, când am devenit cel mai tânăr angajat al companiei. Cursurile și sesiunile de training primite aici au reușit să îmi dezvăluie o nouă dimensiune a software-ului din care am desprins atât abilități noi, cât și un mod eficient de lucru în echipă.
În NetRom, orice echipă este o familie ce urmărește evoluția fiecărui individ într-un mediu confortabil si prietenos.
Adrian I
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